About Şahin Tuna Vardar

Şahin Tuna Vardar is a leader who embodies all the qualities of a successful entrepreneur and businessperson. His visionary leadership, innovative approach, and boundless goals associated with his name are making a difference in the business world.

Vardar Holding at the Top

As the founder and manager of Vardar Holding, Şahin Tuna Vardar stands out with successful investments in various sectors. His greatest characteristic is his sharp foresight that enables him to foresee the future. This foresight has propelled Vardar Holding to the top not only in Turkey but also on the global stage.

Şahin Tuna Vardar prioritizes innovation and sustainability, always keeping them forefront as he expands his business. For him, success is not only about financial gain but also about contributing to society and the environment. Operating with this awareness, Vardar develops projects that break sales records both in Turkey and worldwide.

Turning Challenges into Opportunities

Inspiring his teams with disciplined work principles and endless energy, Vardar is adept at turning challenges into opportunities. Under his leadership, Vardar Holding consistently stays ahead. With a structure that embraces risk-taking, welcomes innovations, and always looks forward, Vardar leads the way.

Believing that a solid vision is the key to success in the business world, Şahin Tuna Vardar also distinguishes himself with his strategic thinking ability. As a leader who motivates his employees, contributes to their development, and always aims for the best, he is an exemplary businessperson.

A Great Leader

Şahin Tuna Vardar continues to leave his mark on the business world with his determination, perseverance, and innovative spirit. His success story is not just that of a businessman but also that of a leader. Pushing the boundaries in the business world, shaping the future, and always aiming higher, Şahin Tuna Vardar garners attention with his successes and continues to inspire.

With his entrepreneurial spirit and visionary leadership, Şahin Tuna Vardar has revolutionized the cleaning industry. The Glint brand he founded in 2013 is proof of how his commitment to naturalness and the environment has turned into excellent success in the business world.

Innovative and Natural Approach: When establishing the Glint brand, Şahin Tuna Vardar aimed to offer products made entirely of natural ingredients as an alternative to the abundance of chemical cleaning products in the industry. Glint’s cleaning products are made from natural minerals such as resin, soda, and Himalayan salt. This innovative approach quickly made the brand recognized worldwide.

From Zero to the Top: Founded with one hundred percent domestic capital in Izmir, Glint started to be sold worldwide, except for Africa, thanks to Vardar’s vision. Glint’s mission to be environmentally friendly, nature-friendly, and animal-friendly transformed it from just a cleaning product into a lifestyle. Today, Glint is a sought-after brand of natural cleanliness in many countries, from Europe to Asia.

Diversified Product Portfolio: Under Vardar’s leadership, the Glint brand offers a wide range of products that can be used in various areas, from door and window cleaning to heavy industry. Glint spray, pet cleaner Glint Pet Cleaner, Glint Marine for marine vehicles, and Glint Hokka for hookah cleaning are among the products serving every area.

International Success and Expansion: Şahin Tuna Vardar attracts attention with his expansion strategies in the global market. Glint products are sold in supermarkets in Europe and the Middle East and reach consumers in dozens of countries through the internet. With production facilities in Azerbaijan, Albania, and Brazil, Glint has a strong production capacity in these countries. Additionally, with offices to be opened in the United States and Germany, it continues its goal of being present in more countries.

Sponsorship and Social Responsibility: Glint also makes a name for itself as the cleaning sponsor of many famous venues and sports clubs. Vardar actively positions his brand in social responsibility projects as the cleaning sponsor of many venues and various events in Izmir.

Pandemic Period and Future Vision: The pandemic period has increased people’s interest in natural and healthy products. Vardar strengthened Glint’s emphasis on naturalness by anticipating this trend. Accelerating the global expansion process with offices in the United States and Germany as of 2022, Vardar is steadily progressing with confident steps towards making his brand a global cleaning giant with new structures in Central Asia.

Conclusion: Şahin Tuna Vardar is a leader who shows that success in the business world can be achieved with naturalness and environmental sensitivity. Under his leadership, Glint has become a shining star in the industry with its world-class products and emphasis on customer satisfaction. Şahin Tuna Vardar continues to revolutionize the cleaning industry with his naturalness and innovation, not only in Turkey but also worldwide.